Not getting anywhere with your job search? Maybe you haven’t considered the intangibles that will make or break your chances of success.

I just gave a talk about the value of these intangibles during the job hunting and interviewing process. A video from one of my favorites, Anthony Iannarino, author of The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need appeared in my inbox this morning. It’s clear, concise and is finished before the blog post I’m creating from my talk – plus, it’s hard to say it better than Anthony –  so I am pointing you in his direction.

Focus On The Intangibles

This is a must watch for job seekers. “But I’m not in sales” you say? Anthony writes about sales and he also writes about life. What is the job search if not a sales interaction? I promise that if you are looking for a job this video is for you.

The differentiator ends up being the intangibles, the things that you have personal control over. Develop these to a greater level than your competitor and it creates a competitive advantage.                   ~ A. Iannarino

There are tactical parts of a search and a need to connect skills and experience to the position but there are also critical components to which you can’t point on a resume. They are just as important, if not more important, to the efficacy of your search.

I hear clients ask, “I am perfect for the job, why I’m not landing anything?” You will be up against job seekers with similar backgrounds and skills, but the person who knows the value of the intangibles will take the prize over the job seeker resting his search on only the hard facts.

At 1:10 he hits the core of what I want you to hear. Listen until the end – about 5 minutes.

Thank you, Anthony Iannarino, for your perfect timing and perfect video.


Image courtesy of Pexels

Barbara reveals people to themselves. - TG

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